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Rev. Oct2016
Models: G5000D & G8000D
Potential Causes
Engine runs, low speed, bogs
down under load or does not
maintain 60Hz
Remove/Clean spark arrestor
Remove, clean and replace.
Choke is not open
Push choke lever in
Over loading generator
Disconnect some appliances / devices
Air filter is dirty
Clean air filter
Fuel filter is clogged
Contaminates will clog filter, not allowing
fuel to get to engine
Fuel filter is dirty
Check for fuel flow to carburetor by remov-
ing drain screw. Clean or replace fuel filter.
Fuel is contaminated
Drain fuel tank and carburetor. Replace or
clean filter and carburetor float bowl. Fill
tank with clean fuel.
Engine oil leak
Oil fill cap loose or cross threaded
Wipe all oil off unit, remove both oil fill
caps, inspect and replace. Tighten securely.
Oil drain plug loose
tighten both drain plugs
Debris under oil drain plug gasket
Remove drain plug and debris. Inspect gas-
ket for damage and replace if damaged.
Loose crankcase bolt(s)
Tighten crankcase bolts
Valve cover bolt loose
Tighten bolt
Oil leaking from shaft
Oil seals failed, call customer help line
Fuel leak at tank shut-off
Shut-off valve loose
Tighten nut on shut-off valve/replace shut-
off valve
Fuel leaking out of carburetor
Fuel drain screw loose
Tighten fuel drain screw
Carburetor float seat not seating
Flush with clean fuel
Engine runs, Volt meter shows 0
Volts, no power to outlets
Breaker tripped
Disconnect all loads and turn breaker to off
and back to on to reset.
Disconnected or damaged wiring inside unit
Call customer helpline
Engine runs and volt meter
shows 240VAC but no power
goes to connected devices
Faulty extension cord/power strip
Use different power strip or extension
Breaker or GFCI tripped on extension cord or
power strip
Rest breaker and remove loads from power
Voltage too high/low
Engine speed low or high
Verify frequency reading is 58Hz to 62Hz
on meter. Call customer helpline if fre-
quency is above 58Hz. See engine speed
troubleshooting if engine speed is below
Alternator damaged
Call customer helpline
Speed screw damaged or bent
Call customer helpline
Voltage is 120 VAC on 1 phase
but too high/low on other phase
Alternator phase is damaged
Call customer helpline