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Rev. Oct2016
Models: G5000D & G8000D
Potential Causes
Engine won't start
Fuel valve off/out of fuel
Fill tank with fuel and turn fuel valve on
Engine Switch in off position
Turn engine switch to on position
Spark arrestor clogged
Remove spark arrestor, clean and replace.
Choke is open
Close choke by pulling choke handle out.
Open choke after starting.
Oil level too low
Fill oil to top of opening with recommend-
ed grade of oil.
Oil float stuck in shipment
Fill oil to top of opening, disconnect the
yellow wire from the low oil level switch.
The switch is located on the engine above
the oil drain plug. It is a small gold colored
box with a yellow and a black wire.
Start the unit and run it for one hour mini-
mum - this will get enough movement of
hot oil to free the float if this is the cause.
Re-attach the yellow wire and run the unit.
Fuel filter is dirty
Check for fuel flow to carburetor by remov-
ing drain screw. Clean or replace fuel filter.
Fuel is contaminated
Drain fuel tank and carburetor. Replace or
clean filter and carburetor float bowl. Fill
tank with clean fuel.
Spark plug boot off/loose
Press spark plug boot firmly on spark plug.
Spark plug fouled or failed
Remove spark plug, clean or replace
Carburetor clogged
Remove float bowl and clean components
and jets. Replace carburetor if varnish or
gum has accumulated from improper stor-
Recoil is hard to pull
Spark arrestor clogged
Remove, clean and replace.
Engine flooded with fuel after storage with
fuel valve in on position
Remove spark plug and slowly pull recoil to
discharge excess fuel. Clean and re-install
spark plug.
Valve clearance too large
Rest exhaust valve clearance to .008", call
customer help line.
Engine starts, but then shuts off
after running for short time
Remove/Clean spark arrestor
Remove, clean and replace.
Oil level too low
Fill oil to top of opening with recommend-
ed grade of oil.
Fuel valve off/out of fuel
Fill tank with fuel and turn fuel valve on
Spark plug fouled or failed
Remove spark plug, clean or replace
Engine runs: rough/vibrating/
Remove/Clean spark arrestor
Remove, clean and replace.
The choke is not open
Push choke lever in.
Over loading generator
Disconnect some appliances
Air filter is dirty
Clean air filter
Fuel filter is dirty
Check for fuel flow to carburetor by remov-
ing drain screw. Clean or replace fuel filter.
Fuel is contaminated
Drain fuel tank and carburetor. Replace or
clean filter and carburetor float bowl. Fill
tank with clean fuel.