Assembling and connecting the wiring
Before assembling, read the valid instalation standarts EN 60079-29-2 (Selection, instalation, use and maintenance of
detectors for combustible gases and oxygen) and EN 45544-4 (Guildelines for the selection, installation, use and maintenance
of detectors of toxic substances).
In explosive environments the electrical installation must be performed according to ČSN EN 60079-14 (Electrical instalation in
hazardours areas).
Assembly of the controller
Pull the handle on the right side of the controller to unlock and lift the cover
Drill the required amount of holes for bushings into the indents of the top and bottom part of the case
Anchor the controller on a flat surface using four 6mm fasteners
Connect the wiring
Close the cover of the case and lock the controller by using the handle
Connecting a transmitter via current loop
Connect one transmitter on each channel of the controller:
Connecting a transmitter via RS485
It is possible to connect up to 16 transmitters on each controller input, depending on their electrical distance from the
Wiring installation for RS485
Wiring must be done using bus topology and according to the RS485 principles
Wiring must be done using bus topology and according to the RS485 principles.
Maximum number of connected transmitters per controler channel is 32 (may be less depending on the configuration of the
controller), while the total length of the connecting cable (electrical distance between the controller and the last transmitter)
should not exceed 1200 meters
. The maximal amount of transmitters connected to the bus and the type of cable used,
according to the distance from the controller, is provided in the manuals of each transmitter.