The entries TMP1 and TMP2 change the temperature value of the external sensor at which an alarm occurs. Pressing LEFT
decreases the temperature and pressing RIGHT increases the temperature. Press ENTER to confirm the change.
temperature alarm value changes immediately after pressing LEFT or RIGHT. If the immediate temperature value exceeds the
alarm value,
it will change the output state
The entries ALM1 to ALM4 are used to set the alarm of the transmitters. Press ENTER to browse the alarms by using LEFT and
RIGHT. Each channel shows the size of the alarm and the segment 1-4 shines, based on the selected alarm. Press ENTER again
to move to the edit mode. The segment 1-4 blinks and we can set the value by using LEFT and RIGHT. Pressing ENTER again will
end the edit mode.
Attention, analog channel
value changes are immediate and so are the output changes. The changes are
saved after pressing ENTER.
The entry CALI serves for calibration of the digital transmitters. LEFT and RIGHT changes the displayed channel and ENTER
selects the channel (displayed
). Moving to the entry NEXT and pressing ENTER goes to zero-calibration of the selected
transmitters. This mode displays a minimal AD conversion value on the main segment. The secondary segments display the
maximal value. The oxygen detector is an exception, which always detects a 0 value in the zero-mode. By using LEFT and
RIGHT it's possible to check the detected value of every selected transmitter and eventually wait for it to drop. Press NEXT to
move to the calibration range mode. Inletting a calibration gas to the transmitter will start a concentration measuring of the
calibration gas. The highest value of the AD conversion is displayed on the main display and the lowest value is displayed on
the secondary segments. If we are satisfied with the values, we can move on to the next part by clicking NEXT, which will bring
us to the settings of the calibration interval. This can be changed with LEFT and RIGHT and using ENTER will confirm the
selection. In the final part of this whole process select either YES for saving the values into the transmitters, or no for finishing
the calibration without saving the values.
Controller testing menu TEST
Setting the relay output
TRAN Simulation of the measured values
Controller restart
Returns to a higher menu level
The entry RELE is used for direct setting of the controller outputs. Entering this entry saves the current state of the outputs,
which are later modified by the user. The controller outputs (RE1 to RE10, LIGH, SOUN, _HV) can be browsed with LEFT and
RIGHT and pressing ENTER will switch the output state. The outputs will remain in these settings for as long until we don't
press ENTER on the last EXIT entry. That will restore the output state, which existed before the user change.
The entry TRAN is similar to the entry RELE, except for the fact that the user sets the concentrations on the given channel. Use
LEFT and RIGHT to select a channel and then press ENTER to enter the edit mode. Here we can use the arrows to change the
concentration ranging from minimal to maximal value of the configured transmitter. The controller reacts to this set
concentration as if it was directly measured, which leads to occurring alarms and switching outputs.
The entry _RST resets the controller.
Service Menu SERV
The entry SERV ALL SENS makes the controler go into service mode. The communication with transmitter is stopped and the
outputs are set in the last known state. Use LEFT and RIGHT to set the servise interval in a range of 1 to 24 hours. Press ENTER
to start it's own regime.
The main segments display a countdown of the set interval in seconds and the malfunction segments (key symbol) blinks.
After the countdown finishes, the controller returns to the detection mode. This regime can be interrupted anytime by
pressing ENTER.
The entry SERV SEL SENS causes a blockage of any transmitter until the next restart of the controller. Use LEFT and RIGHT to
select a transmitter and ENTER to block/unblock. Blocked transmitters are indicated with an inscription DIS on the main