How to remove the decal bu�ons from a well used �mer
Over �me and with many uses of the Alliance machine the overlay decal on the �mer can become worn and may
cause issues with the �mer func�oning irregularrly.
If your �mer bu�ons appear to be damaged and the �mer is not performing as expected it may be due to the �mer
bu�ons on the overlay being damaged. The �mer may not run for the intended �me period and will shut itself off,
or it may count down quickly and stop the cycle. It may even start itself on occasion and run without expecta�on.
These issues are due to the fact that the plas�c decal overlay on the �mer itself are damaged and will con�nue to
press on either the start or stop bu�ons beneath the decal. There are two solu�ons to resolve this problem. You
can simply purchase and replace the �mer (Dedoes PN# SA0468) or you can try to rest the �mer by cu�ng the
decal bu�on off. Removing the bu�ons of the decal can reset your �mer and allow it to perform as expected.
To remove the decal bu�ons:
1. Turn off the power to your Alliance mixing machine at the power source / breaker.
2. Using a sharp knive or cu�ng tool, cut around the ON and OFF bu�ons of the plas�c decal overlay.
(Do not cut deeply in to the surface beneath the decal)
3. Peel the damaged part of the overlay off of the �mer.
4. Turn power on to the machine.
5. Restart your machine.
This should reset your �mer and may correct the problem with the �mer. If the machine is s�ll not performing as
expected there may be other issues with the �mer or motor that will need to be addressed. The �mer itself is
intrinsically safe and even with the decal removed is not capable of shocking the user.
If you are having trouble with your machine please contact the Dedoes Customer Service Department at
1-248-624-7710 and we will be happy to help you resolve your issue.