The appliance is intended to be permanently con
nected to the domestic water mains network.
Respect the minimum and maximum water inlet
pressure to ensure correct operation of the appli
ance: refer to the chapter Technical Specifica
Draining the appliance:
1. Shut off the domestic cold water inlet.
2. Open a hot water tap in the installation.
3. Open a valve on the safety unit.
4. When the water stops flowing, the appliance
has been drained.
For the domestic hot water operating temperature
limits: refer to the chapter Technical Data, Do
mestic Hot Water Tank.
Setting the domestic hot water temperature set
point: refer to the chapter "Setting the domestic
hot water temperature set point".
Pressure limiter device: refer to the chapter Spe
cial precautions to be taken when connecting the
domestic hot water circuit (Installation and Serv
ice Manual).
The pressure limiter device (safety valve or
safety unit) must be regularly operated in order
to remove limescale deposits and ensure that it
is not blocked.
A pressure limiter device must be fitted to a dis
charge pipe.
As water may flow out of the discharge pipe, the
pipe must be kept open to the open air, in a
frost-free environment, and at a continuous
downward gradient.
A pressure reducer (not provided) is required
when the supply pressure exceeds 80% of the
safety valve or safety unit calibration and must be
located upstream of the appliance.
1 Safety
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