DW1000 User Manual
© Decawave Ltd 2017
Version 2.12
Page 223 of 242
Table 63: Destination addressing mode field values
Destination addressing mode
(FC bits 11 & 10)
0, 0
No destination address or destination
PAN ID is present in the frame
0, 1
1, 0
The destination address field is a short
(16-bit) address.
1, 1
The destination address field is an
extended (64-bit) address.
11.2.7 Frame version field
The frame version field (2-bits) specifies the version number of the frame. The rules for handling this are
defined in [1], which says the frame version field shall be set to 0x00 to indicate a frame compatible with
IEEE 802.15.4-2003 and 0x01 to indicate an IEEE 802.15.4 frame. The DW1000 understands this frame
version field rules and will reject receive frames that do not have the correct frame version. Please refer to
11.2.8 Source addressing mode field
The source addressing mode field (2-bits) specifies whether the frame contains a source address and if so
the size of the address field. Table 64 below summarises the options for source addressing mode. For
additional information on the addressing modes please refer to the standard [1].
Table 64: Source addressing mode field values
Source addressing mode
(FC bits 15 & 14)
0, 0
No source address or source PAN
ID is present in the frame
0, 1
1, 0
The source address field is a short
(16-bit) address.
1, 1
The source address field is an
extended (64-bit) address.
11.3 The Sequence Number field
The Sequence Number field, in the 802.15.4 MAC layer transmitter there should be two sequence numbers
maintained, one for beacon frames transmitted and one for Data frames and MAC command frames. When
auto-acknowledgement is enabled the DW1000 will copy the Sequence Number field into the
acknowledgement frame for any MAC command frame or data frames it is acknowledging. The MAC layer
(software) awaiting the ACK should validate the ACK’s sequence number against that of the