MPS-2 & MPS-6
Rigorous testing indicates that repeated freeze-thaw cycles do not
affect the ceramic discs. Several sensors were equilibrated in satu-
rated soil, and then subjected to numerous freeze thaw cycles in a
temperature control chamber. The freezing rate of the soil contain-
ers was at least an order of magnitude faster than could be achieved
in field soil under natural conditions. At several points during the
test, and at the end of the test, the ceramic discs were evaluated for
damage due to repeated rapid freezing with pore spaces full of water.
None of the ceramic discs showed any signs of physical damage, and
none of the sensors showed any significant change in output due to
the freezing tests.
If you encounter problems with the MPS-2 or MPS-6 sensor, they
most likely manifest themselves in the form of incorrect or erroneous
readings. Review these troubleshooting suggestions before contact-
ing Decagon about the sensor.
Data Logger
1. Check to make sure the connections to the data logger are both
correct and secure.
2. Ensure that your data logger batteries are not dead or weak-
3. Check the configuration of your data logger in ECH2O Utility
or DataTrac 3 to make sure you have selected MPS-2 or MPS-6.
4. Ensure that you are using the most up to date software and
1. Ensure that your sensors are installed according to section 5.5
“Installation” of this manual.
2. Check sensor cables for nicks or cuts that could cause a mal-