Boot driver
The console firmware provides a boot driver for each supported boot device.
During booting, the boot driver reads the bootblock from the specified boot
device and then loads the primary bootstrap or OSF/1 image into memory.
Upon completion of the load, the boot driver passes control to either pro-
gram which then starts executing.
Boot device
The boot device contains the bootblock and typically also contains the pri-
mary bootstrap. OpenVMS Alpha AXP or OpenVMS VAX can be booted
from standalone backup. Not used with the OSF/1 operating system.
The bootblock is logical block zero on the system disk; it contains the block
number where the primary bootstrap program is located on the system
disk. The console reads the primary bootstrap from the system load device
to memory.
Primary bootstrap
The primary bootstrap, which is stored on the boot device, boots the oper-
ating system. The goal of booting is to read the primary bootstrap from the
boot device and load the operating system. The primary bootstrap loads
the operating system into memory and passes control to memory.