TF85 tape drive
A 5.25-inch tape drive on the DSSI bus, which is supported by the KFMSA
adapter; used in VAX 7000 systems.
TLZ06 tape drive
A 5.25-inch tape drive on the SCSI bus, which is supported by the KZMSA
adapter; used in DEC 7000 systems.
A plug-in unit consisting of a VAXBI card cage and two power regulators
which occupy two quadrants. The VAXBI PIU must be installed next to an
XMI PIU. Installation of a VAXBI PIU means that battery backup cannot
be supported. The 12-slot VAXBI includes a DWMBB/B module installed in
slot 1, which connects to the DWMBB/A in the XMI.
Virtual address space
Memory space available to a user program. The operating system dynami-
cally maps a given virtual address to a physical adddress.
The virtual memory boot program (VMB.EXE) that boots the OpenVMS
VAX operating system. VMB is the primary bootstrap program and is
stored on the boot device.
XMI clock
Implemented on the T2030-YA module which must be node 7 of the XMI.
A plug-in unit consisting of an XMI card cage and two power regulators
which occupy two quadrants. Each XMI requires a DWLMA module in slot
8 and a clock module at slot 7. The first I/O option must be installed in slot
1 or 14 to terminate the XMI bus. Also known as the XMI I/O channel PIU.
XMI-to-LSB interface
On the XMI the interface is the DWLMA module which must be node 8 of
the XMI. On the LSB bus the interface is the IOP module, which must be
node 8 of the LSB. The connection between the two modules is known as a
"hose." See also IOP module.