XMI adapter; Ethernet port interface.
Digital Storage Systems Interconnect. A Digital Storage Architecture in-
terconnect used by the KFMSA adapter and RF and TF series integrated
storage elements to transfer data and to communicate with each other.
Houses DSSI based disks inside the system and expander cabinets
DWLMA adapter
An XMI adapter that is the interface between the LSB bus and the XMI
bus; always node 8 of the XMI. The XMI plug-in unit includes the T2028-
AA module and necessary cables and the XMI clock card. See also XMI
PIU and XMI clock.
The XMI-to-VAXBI adapter; a 2-module adapter that allows data transfer
from the XMI to the VAXBI.
Environment variables
UNIX-like options used with console commands. An environment variable
consists of an identifier (ID) and a byte stream value maintained by the
console. See also Console language.
Expander cabinet
A cabinet to hold plug-in units that can be installed on either side of the
system cabinet.
Fiber Distributed Data Interface. A high-performance fiber optic network
that can be accessed by the XMI DEMFA adapter.
Filler module
Required to fill unused LSB slots when fewer than six CPU, memory, or
I/O modules are installed.