Red Bull Racing RB7: Step by Step
Holding the shock cap as shown,
push the shock top into the hole
in the cap (see red arrow), until it stops.
Take the shock oil and fill the
shock case to about halfway.
Move the shock shaft slowly up and
down, so that the oil spreads throughout
the assembly, below the piston, which
in turn pushes the air under the piston
up through the oil. Ensure the shaft is
always covered by oil.
By moving the piston up and
down, air is forced upward, and
air bubbles form in the oil. Wait until no
more air bubbles are seen in the oil. Place
the assembly for two to four hours in a
vertical position. You can use the spring
for this.
When the bubbles are gone,
move the shaft up and down
again. If this creates more bubbles, wait
until these are gone. Repeat until no
more air bubbles form.
When the air bubbles have
completely disappeared, carefully
fill the case to the brim with shock
oil. Make sure that no oil overflows,
so that the damper housing is not
Hold the diaphragm so that the
domed side is facing downward.
Place it onto the shock case as shown, to
avoid air pockets.