De Rigo Refrigeration s.r.l.
General recommendations
To be read before using the counter.
This manual forms an integral part of the product and must be stored with the equipment to facili-
tate rapid consultation.
The adjuster must not be used with other functions other than those described below, specifically it
can not be used as a safety device.
Before proceeding check the application limits
Safety precautions.
Before connecting the counter ensure that the supply voltage is as required.
Do not expose the unit to water or humidity: use the counter only within the limits of operation pro-
vided for.
Attention: before carrying out any kind of maintenance remove electric connections from the
The electric panel must never be opened.
If malfunction or failure occurs, contact qualified staff for analysis and repair
The compressor's relay is enabled to maintain a defined temperature fixed from the set point. The hys-
teresis Hy is automatically added to the set point. If the temperature increases and reaches the set
point plus hysteresis the compressor is started and then turned off when the temperature reaches the
set point value. (refer to figure)
In case of probe fault, compressor on and off are governed by time through the parameters
Con and
There are two defrost modes via the parameter tdF:
tdF = EL: defrosting with
the electrical resistance (the compressor is switched off);
tdF = in
hot gas defrost (the compressor remains on).
Through the IdF parameter the interval between defrosting cycles with MdF its maximum duration,
with Con P2P the second probe is enabled (defrosting end and temperature) or it disables it (end of
timed defrost).
Once defrosting ends dripping time starts, manageable through the Fdt
Synchronised defrosting
If the digital entry is set with i1F = dEF defrosting would be synchronised. When any network tool re-
quests defrosting it enables its relay and closes all the digital entrances connected. When it ends its
defrosting it opens the relay, leaving the line free and remains paused until the digital entrance is
opened. It is opened only when the last network device has finished defrosting