Data Device Corporation
BU-65570/2i Manual
This manual uses typographical and iconic conventions to assist the reader in
understanding the content. This section will define the text formatting and icons used in
the rest of the manual. This manual is formatted with a ‘Scholar Margin’ where many tips,
symbols or icons will be located.
For the full text of this manual, BU-65572iX will be used to identify both the BU-65572iX
and the BU-65570iX. In those cases where there is a difference, the appropriate part
number will be identified.
BOLD– text that is written in bold letters indicates important information and
table, figure, and chapter references.
BOLD ITALIC– will designate DDC Part Numbers.
Courier New–
is used to indicate code examples.
<…> - Indicates user entered text or commands.
The Idea/Tip icon will be used to identify a handy bit of supplementary
information that may be useful to the user.
The Note icon signifies important supplementary information that will be
useful to the user.
The Caution icon identifies important information that presents a
possibility of damage to the product if not heeded.
Much stronger than a Caution, the Warning icon presents information
pertaining to hazards that will cause damage to the product and possible
injury to the user.
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