Compressor Controls (cont.)
BYPASS switch
This switch bypasses the compression section completely. The input is ÒhardwiredÓ to the output
bypassing the tube amplification and VCA circuitry. This feature is very useful for setting optimum
compression and gain settings because it gives you an instant reference to the amount of effect youÕve
introduced to your signal.
LEVEL control
This is the output gain control (also known as a Ògain compensationÓ or Òmakeup gainÓ control). It
is used to compensate for signal level lost due to compression and for excess gain contributed by the
tube drive section. There is +/- 15 dB of gain control available with this knob.
This control sets the threshold level at which the PeakPlus
Limiter circuit becomes active. The
threshold range is from 0 dBu to +22 dBu (off). See page 7 for more information on the PeakPlus
limiting circuit.
This configures the meter to show the signal level at the input to the vacuum tube. Note that high gain
settings can result in excessive movement of the meter as the needle contacts the endpin. In this sit-
uation itÕs best to briefly check the drive level and then switch to one of the other meter modes.
This configures the meter to show the amount of gain reduction due to compression. The lower mark-
ings on the meter show increasing gain reduction from right (0 dB) to left (-30dB). Note that when
configured to the Gain Reduction setting, the meter swings from the fully right position and not the
0 dB position indicated on the top line of the meter.
This configures the meter to show the output signal level. This works in conjunction with the output
level assignment switch on the back of the 576. When the rear switch is set to +4 dBu, a meter read-
ing of 0 VU corresponds to +4 dBu output. When the rear switch is set to -10 dBV, a meter reading
of 0 VU corresponds to -10 dBV output.