Advanced Channel Emulator
Operations Manual
Figure 2-23. Dynamic Multipath Fading display
Dyn a m ic Da ta File s
Dyn a m ic File Na m e s
The ACE distinguishes parameter file types by the first three letters in
each file name. File names can be up to 10 alphanumeric characters, as
DLYxxxxxxx - designates a delay file
FRQxxxxxxx- designates a frequency offset file
ATNxxxxxxx - designates an attenuation file
designates a phase offset file
WGNxxxxxxx - designates an awgn file
designates an RF frequency file
designates a multipath fading file
Dyn a m ic File Fo rm a ts
Data files are generated in readable ascii characters. The first line in the
data file must be the number that represents the exact number of sample
points in the file, followed by the resolution of the data. Each
subsequent line in the file is the data for one sample.
The parameter data files should be generated in ASCII format as a
sequential data list with a carriage return <CR> separating the
parameter fields. File names must begin with “DLY", “FRQ”, "ATN",
, “RFF”, or “MPF”
and have an extension of
“.DAT” When
the files are converted to a compressed format for the ACE9600, the