This style uses special methods and transfers the dial-tone to certain the
correctness. The special methods are the called protocol, such as RFC2833.
D) QOS Signaling
is network quality of service and ability of higher priority service that
network supports, including dedicated broadband
control and delay jitter
loss rate improvement and so on. This option can label for QOS which is
designated by call signaling packets, in order to improve the network quality of
Signaling Encryption
a ) None:
Not encrypted.
b) RC4:
This is a variable key length stream encryption algorithm clusters, its
S-box is random, generally 256 bytes.
a long delay for high-speed networks, TCP Congestion Control Protocol
require server-side support.
d) VOS:
For VOS users.
e) AVS:
For AVS users.
f) N2C:
For N2C users.
g) ECM:
For ECM users.
h) ET263:
For ET263 users.
F) NAT Signaling Penetration.
Special configurations please refer to firewall. Media Advanced Configuration
Media Advanced Configuration Aimed at the gateway RTP media stream part of the
advanced configuration options, click “Media” in the “call setting”.
A) KTP Port (range)
Use to designate the UDP of Real-Time Media Transfer Protocol (RTP), used with
the router’s port mapping.
The terminal use several pairs of RTP, its value is the port range, such
as (5500-5520).
B) RTP Packet Length
The default time length of each wet packet is 20ms. Use to designate the size of