complying with AS1337 Eye protectors for industrial applications
should be provided and used;
• Protection from sun, workers should be protected from sunlight/UV
radiation by using a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF)
rating of at least 30+ and by wearing hats, shirts with long sleeves
and long trousers.
The anchor should be fitted in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions (Section 2.0) at the edge of the non working side of the roof.
Step 1: The operator should inspect and don a fall arrest rated harness
fitted with a frontal fall arrest point and adjust it to ensure it is correctly
fitted and comfortable. Capital Safety always recommends that a shock
absorber be used between the rope grab and the connection point to
reduce the risk of injury in a fall. The rear (dorsal) fall arrest connection
point is also deemed an appropriate connection point however its
selection/use will depend on the type of work being completed.
Step 2: Once the Anchor on the Go™ is installed as per instructions in
Section 2.0, ensure the rope is of sufficient length to hang two metres
past the proposed connection point on the alternative side of the roof
in order to facilitate attachment to a fall arrest attachment point prior
to leaving the ladder or scaffold. The rope should be pulled tight and
tensioned to ensure all slack has been taken up before connection. If the
rope grab is already on the rope, ensure it is positioned at the free end.
Step 3: The roof should then be accessed from the working side, the
operator connecting the rope grab to the rope (or accessing the rope
grab permanently attached to the rope) and the shock absorber to the
rope grab before moving from the ladder or scaffold onto the roof.
Step 4: To minimise the fall distance resulting from any slip or fall, it is
important to have the least amount of slack on the line at any point in
time. This means regular and small adjustments of the rope grab up and
down the rope in line with the required movement on the roof. Refer to
Figure Six over the page.
When moving up the roof, the manual rope grab should be opened and