Qu-Bot, A Quickly Programmable Robot User’s Manual
4.5. Communicate with PC through UART
4.5.1. Characteristics of UART Block
UART Block is used for sending data to the PC. Data can be seen from Tools ->
Serial Terminal (Ctrl+T).
4.5.2. Changing Attributes
Left Click on the UART block in code flow to see attributes.
“UART Output Type”
: Selects output type between TEXT, VARIABLE and NEWLINE.
“Output Text”:
Send Text output to PC. Active only if “UART Output Type” is
“Output Variable”:
Send Variable Value as output to PC. Active only if “UART
Output Type” is “Variable”.
4.5.3. Display Text on Serial Terminal
Arrange the blocks and set attributes as shown in the figure.
The program will execute as below when downloaded to Qu-Bot.
The execution of this program can be checked on serial terminal window.
Qu-Bot will print “HELLO!!!” and NEWLINE.
Wait for 1 Second.