Example SigmaStudio Projects
On the product page for the KABD-250 or KABD-230, you will find a zip file that contains numerous
project examples for the entire KABD series. For further descriptions of the projects, see the end of ( but
read all of ) the “SigmaStudio Programming Guide for the KABD Series of Amplifiers” Guide. You will find
pre-configured and easily modifiable projects with features such as bass enhancement, on-the-fly tone
control with potentiometers, on-the-fly preset switching, 2-way speaker projects, 3-way projects and so
much more.
SigmaStudio Programming Guide
Look for the “SigmaStudio Programming Guide for the KABD Series.pdf” file for an extensive guide for
making custom DSP programs for the KABD series of amplifiers. This guide is a learning tool, and could
be used simply to figure out what to tweak in the example projects, or even for learning how to make
your own projects from scratch.
Below is an example, annotated SigmaStudio program for the KABD-250 or KABD-230.