Sigma Studio Connection - Quick Start
A DSPB-ICP1 or KPX (USBi) programmer board is required to program the DSP chip on KABD amplifiers.
The programmer can be thought as the bridge between the DSP chip and the computer. The
programming board translates instructions from the computer controlling SigmaStudio into a signal that
the KABD’s ADUA1701 can understand. The programmer only needs to be connected while the device is
being programmed. After programming, it can be removed and used to program as many other KABD
amplifier boards as needed.
Note that a comprehensive SigmaStudio Programming Guide for the whole KABD series is available
wherever you found this document (the product page for the KABD-250 or KABD-230) this section is
merely to get you started with / connected to SigmaStudio. For detailed usage, read the guide
mentioned above, which is intended as a learning document that goes over all details needed to make
custom projects such as input routing, output routing, bass algorithms, PEQ, controllable filters with
potentiometers, presets switchable with a toggle switch, etc.