The frequency of maintenance depends on how much you ride and under which conditions. Recreational
riders needs far less maintenance then off-road riders. The harder you ride, the more you have to take care of
your ATV if you want it to last. There are various time intervals for proper maintenance. Quick maintenance
should be done before & after every ride.
Time after purchase
Action Suggested
Everytime before
you ride
The 60 second check
30 days
(every month)
90 days
(every 3 months)
360 days
(every 12 months)
180 days
(every 6 months)
Check tire p ressure, check brakes t hat they w ork,
check lights, c heck bolts ( make s ure everything i s
tight), c heck battery gauge. D o not r ide the ebike
unless everything is functional and proper.
Completely clean the bike, including the dust on the
motor and under t he s eat. Check for any abnormal
wear and tear or alignment problems.
Inspect frame and fork for paint cracks or bulges that
may indicate f rame o r part damage; p ay p articular
attention to all frame joints. Check wear and tear on
tires. Check range of battery.
Inspect all components of t he ebike. Check that
connections are nice and tight.
ook inside where you
controller is and clean in detail. Check that all plugs.
Go over every bolt and nut in your ebike.
Bring ebike f or c omplete t une-up. Varying on t he
ebike t he ebike s hop s hould complete a b attery
discharge, t ires s hould be c hanged depending on
wear and tear. All connections should be checked for
rust and l ooseness. A ll c omponents should be
checked including charger, ignition and gauges.