Watch for turning and stopping cars and opening car
Be especially cautious at intersections and driveways
Watch for hazards – pot holes, sand, curbs, RR tracks,
manhole covers
Watch for deep cracks running parallel with the road.
Your front tire can get wedged in there and throw you
Be careful when passing motor vehicles
Obey all traffic rules and signs
Use the proper hand signals when turning and stopping
Don’t ride on sidewalks unless necessary – be courteous
to pedestrians
Do not hitch rides on motor vehicles
Ride on the side of the road going the same direction as
the traffic
Riding Tips
Wear comfortable clothing - but not loose clothing
Wear bright colored clothing
Layer your clothing so you can add or remove depending
on the temperature
Never ride with bare feet. (If you are not convinced I will
show you where my friend Terry used to have a little toe.)
Don’t wear head phones – you won’t be able to hear traffic
Use a rear view mirror to see what is going on behind you
At night, wear clothing with reflective material in it
At night, use an appropriate lighting system
Use extra caution when riding at night, in rain, on snow or
ice – give yourself plenty of time to stop
Never ride with more than one person on your bike
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