Wheels and Tires:
Check for loose or missing spokes. See your local dealer
to get them fixed or replaced immediately.
Check front and rear wheel quick release levers every time
you ride. Pick up end of bike and strike top of wheel
with a few sharp blows to check for looseness.
Spin wheels to make sure they are centered and do not
Make sure tires are properly inflated to pressure listed on
sidewall or just below that. Tires can lose a lot of air in
just a week. Riding with under inflated tires is
dangerous, hard on the tires, and it makes pedaling
more difficult. If possible, avoid curbs, potholes, railroad
tracks, and other hazards.
Quick Release Levers:
Quick release levers are used on both wheels and the
backrest. Quick releases can be replaced with bolts if you
are concerned about theft or having your settings changed.
It is very important that all quick releases/bolts are tight.
The quick release lever should never be tightened like a
To tighten, open the quick release lever, turn the nut
clockwise and then close the quick release lever by
pushing it in.
If the lever can be easily pushed closed, repeat above step
until it takes a firm push to close it.
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