Step 10:
Dry the sleeve with separate cloth.
Step 11:
Replace the o-ring and slide the sleeve back into the chamber following steps
7 and 8 from the installation section of the manual.
Cleaning the UV Sensor
Depending on the water quality, the UV sensor may require periodic cleaning. At a
minimum, the UV sensor should be cleaned on an annual basis. The following steps
outline a basic cleaning procedure.
Step 1:
If a by-pass assembly is installed, shut the inlet valve off to prevent water flow through
the system. Otherwise, turn off main water inlet valve (and/or turn off the water pump).
Step 2:
Disconnect power cord of UV system from electrical outlet.
Step 3:
Release water pressure by opening a downstream faucet and then close the
outlet shut-off valve (if any). If there is no outlet shut-off valve, expect water to drain from
the system as the head pressure in the system will cause the water to flow back down.
Step 4:
Place something under the chamber to catch any water that may come out of
the chamber during the removal of the UV sensor.
Step 5:
Unscrew (counterclockwise) sensor nut from the chamber and pull the sensor
slowly out of the sensor port.
Step 6:
Holding the sensor in your hand wipe the flat portion (sensor face) of the
sensor with isopropyl alcohol using a clean lint-free cloth.
Step 7:
Replace sensor following step 9 from the installation section of the manual.
Microlene UV Disinfection Systems come with a feature laden controller that
incorporates both the lamp driver (ballast) and control features in one water-tight
case. All models feature a power factor corrected, constant current lamp driver with a
universal power input.
Please Note: While the LCD or display screen is red and the buzzer is sounding the
water from the system should NOT be consumed. If any water does pass through
the system during this period, please follow the disinfection procedure as outlined
in this manual before the water is consumed. Please have your water checked for
microbiological contaminants on a regular basis.
IMPORTANT: Installation of a backflow valve should be in compliance with all
local water authority regulations and in accordance with AS/NZS 3500.1.2
and complying with AS/NZS 2845.1.