Not enough traction:
1. If the LeafWIZARD
is losing traction and not turning correctly, the
traction can be increased by adjusting the red turbine throttle to position
1 or 2, and then resetting the forward speed to 24 revolutions per
minute. This will provide more traction to the wheels.
2. The finish on some pools can make it difficult to maintain suction and
traction such as fully tiled pools or fibreglass pools. The LeafWIZARD
is equipped with a spare set of low profile tyres (light grey) designed for
such pools. Remove the standard tyres and replace with the low profile
tyres if traction is a problem.
To remove the tyres simply pull the rubber tyre off the wheel, and roll it
over until it is released. The word “OUT” on the wall of the (light grey)
high profile tyres should be facing outwards / away from the head unit.
You must remove the original tyre before fitting the alternative tyre.
You should not fit the alterative tyre over the original one, as this
will reduce the performance of the cleaner.
Caring for your LeafWIZARD
1. Remove the LeafWIZARD
from the pool while the pump is running as
this will introduce air to the pump and cause it to lose Prime.
2. Put any oil, grease or other lubricants on the LeafWIZARD
Body or
moving parts. Water is the only lubricant required.
3. Store cleaner hose in a coiled position. It is manufactured using special
materials which enables hose memory and may cause the hose to lie
awkwardly in the water preventing the LeafWIZARD
from moving freely
around the pool.
4. Operate the LeafWIZARD
constantly at a forward speed above 24 rpm.
This drives the LeafWIZARD
much harder than required and may cause
unnecessary wear and tear not covered by warranty.