Step 5: Fine Tuning
If the LeafWIZARD
is running slowly:
1. If the Speed Control Valve is in the “O” position but the pool cleaner is
moving too slowly (the main drain line and second skimmers are fully
closed. All leaf baskets clear and the filter clean), the speed can be
increased by closing the size of the vacuum opening underneath the
cleaner as shown below.
Step 4: Starting the LeafWIZARD
1. Place the LeafWIZARD
in your pool and switch the pool pump ‘ON’
2. Turn the body of the Speed Control Valve clockwise from the ‘0’ (Fast)
position until the pool cleaner is moving along at approximately 9 metres
per minute. At this speed the drive wheel is turning at approximately 24
revolutions per minute (rpm), or 6 revolutions per 15 seconds.
3. Check the revolutions by holding the pool cleaner under the water with
the drive wheel facing up, and count the number of revolutions of the
raised notch on the drive wheel.
The LeafWIZARD can continue to operate effectively at speeds as low
as 6-7 metres per minute.
exceed 24 rpm of the left hand
drive wheel. Check as per instructions above. If the LeafWIZARD
travels too fast it will tend to brush light debris aside and may rear up,
reducing vacuum power. If it travels too slowly, the LeafWIZARD may
stall or take too long to clean the pool.