Alarm protection switch
(Green/Black and Green/Red wires)
All Thatcham Cat 1 and Cat 2-1 products MUST be protected by an ECU protection switch. The kit comes supplied with a
magnetic reed switch for this purpose. Other switches such as Micro switches can be substituted for this switch, if
The switching arrangement is change of state and basically the Green/Red wire is the trigger line and the Green/Black
wire is an earth supplied from the alarm. When armed if the earth is applied or removed from the Green/Red wire the
alarm will trigger.
Fit the magnetic reed switch so the alarm would be triggered by the removal of a seat or body panel before the alarm ECU
is accessed.
Choose an area where the switch and magnet can be placed in close proximity to each other. When correctly oriented
the air gap can be up to 35 mm, however mounting the switch or magnet on ferrous metal (steel) or rotating the magnet
Connect the two wires of the switch, one to the Green/Red wire of the alarm and the other to the Green/Black wire of the
alarm. The switch has a self adhesive backing to assist in mounting and is also supplied with screws if this method is
preferred. If using the self adhesive system, clean and de-grease the area thoroughly prior to fitting.
Fit the magnet on the removable panel/seat adjacent to the switch using the fitting methods described above.
When correctly set; the LED should go out before the panel is removed by 50mm. The position of the switch/magnet
should be adjusted accordingly.
If more than one area is to be protected, extra magnets and switches are available through Datatool, this is a chargeable
extra. Extra magnets may also be needed if the pillion seat is used and the customer has a separate tailpiece. If several
switches are to be used they must be run in series, not parallel. This method also applies to accessory loop protection
where in-line connectors are positioned so soft luggage/accessories can be protected by running an extension wire
through them and remaking the continuous trigger circuit.
A magnetic reed switch kit is supplied with The S4 Yellow and it is advised it is installed, but the installation of this switch
is not mandatory on this model only.
Secondary trigger circuit
(Green tagged wire)
The use of this wire is not mandatory when fitting a Thatcham alarm system so therefore should you decide to use it the
application can be charged to the customer if desired. Please discuss this with the customer prior to installation.
If you do not use this wire it should be positioned in a safe location with the Green tag still on and its position noted on the
certificate of installation, so it can be identified and accessed at a future date (DO NOT CUT IT OFF!).
Accessory Loop (diagram below)
Side stand trigger (diagram below)
Clutch Switch trigger (see Side Stand trigger diagram)
Garage protection (garage kit part number 02012006)(diagram below)
Secondary panel/luggage protection (fitted as the alarm protection switch above)
It is not possible to combine an ‘earth to trigger’ circuit with a ‘remove an earth to trigger’ on this single wire.
If a closed loop system is being used all switches must be in series.
If multiple applied earth triggers are being used they should be wired in parallel and are best separated by diodes.
This is particularly important if any machine interlock systems such as side stand switch or clutch switch are to be
Failure to diode these interlocks away from other triggers may seriously effect safety