Model 2200 Printer
DataMetrics Corporation
4.1. Introduction
This chapter describes the major functional elements of the Model 2200 Dot Matrix Printer.
Information is provided concerning power distribution, the printing subsystem, Ethernet
subsystem, control panel, and heaters. Chassis interconnections are identified in Figure 4-1.
The Model 2200 Dot Matrix Printer provides dot matrix hardcopy output of data received
from a host computer. The printer communicates with a host computer through a Parallel
Data interface. The mechanical and electrical subsystems of the printer are described in the
following paragraphs.
4.1.1. Power Distribution
Prime power (+28 Vdc) enters the chassis at the rear panel J1 connector. Power is sent
through a transient protection circuit that prevents equipment damage or performance
degradation if a voltage spike or dropout condition is incurred. An EMI filter provides
attenuation of interference related to input voltage and output current. Prime power exits
the filter and is routed to a 5-ampere circuit breaker/power switch at the front panel. The
load side of the circuit breaker provides dc power to the power supply input connector. The
power supply co28 Vdc input to outputs of +5 V at 2 A and 39 V at 6 A. Power
supply outputs are provided to the controller board, 12 V converter, and heaters. A chassis
ground stud is located on the rear panel of the unit.
4.1.2. Printing Subsystem
The Model 2200 Dot Matrix Printer incorporates the printing architecture of the Panasonic
Model KX-P2130 printer. The printing subsystem consists of a controller board and print
engine mechanics. The controller board re5 V and +39 V from the power supply.
Power and data signals are provided by the controller board to the print engine mechanics,
and control panel interface.
4.1.3. Control Panel
All controls and indicators required for printer operation are located at the front panel of the
unit. The switch/indicator panel communicates with the printer controller through a control
panel interface board. The circuit breaker/power switch interfaces with the EMI filter and
power supply. Printer controls and indicators are described in Chapter 3.
4.1.4. Heaters
The Model 2200 Dot Matrix Printer incorporates a heating capability to facilitate operation at
low temperature. A controlled heat source is provided for the two print engine drive motors.
The heat source consists of a 50-watt resistor mounted under each motor. A thermal switch
is used to apply power to the resistors at
C and remove power at