CH2 Discrete Output
- Two-Point TEACH
Establishes a single switching threshold
Threshold can be adjusted by using the "+" and "-" Navigation key (Manual Adjust)
Two-Point TEACH is used when two conditions can be presented statically to the sensor.
The sensor locates a single sensing threshold (the switch point) midway between the two taught conditions, with the Output ON condition on
one side, and the Output OFF condition on the other.
Two-Point TEACH (Light Operate shown)
Reverse the Output ON and OFF conditions by using the LO/DO (Light Operate/ Dark Operate) selection through the program interface for
the dual output model.
- Dynamic TEACH
Establishes a single switching threshold
Threshold can be adjusted using "+" and "-" Navigation key (Manual Adjust)
Dynamic TEACH is best used when a machine or process may not be stopped for teaching. The sensor learns during actual sensing
conditions, taking multiple samples of the light and dark conditions and automatically setting the threshold at the optimum level (see Fig.
Dynamic TEACH (Light Operate shown)
Reverse the CH2 Output ON and OFF conditions by using the LO/DO (Light Operate/ Dark Operate) selection through the program
- Window SET
Sets window thresholds that extend a programmable % offset above and below the presented condition
All other conditions (lighter or darker) cause the output to change state
Sensing window center can be adjusted using "+" and "-" Navigation key (Manual Adjust)
Recommended for applications where a product may not always appear in the same place, or when other signals may appear
See Program Mode in the user's manual for programming the Offset Percent setting (to increase/decrease the window size)
A single sensing condition is presented, and the sensor positions window thresholds a programmable % offset above and below the
presented condition. In LO mode, Window SET designates a sensing window with the Output ON condition inside the window, and the
Output OFF conditions outside the window.
Window SET (Light Operate shown)
Reverse the Output ON and OFF conditions by using the LO/DO (Light Operate/ Dark Operate) selection through the program interface for the
dual output model.