Image Decode Timeout
You can share any image (picture, jpg/png, etc.) with the Datalogic Service to try to
decode it. Drag the
Image decode timeout
slider to set the decode timeout applied
with image decoding.
Enable Multi Scan
If selected, the scanner captures multiple labels sequentially.
Number of Labels
Drag the slider to indicate the amount of labels required for a code to be confirmed.
Enable Single Notification
If selected, it enables indicators for each label, in order to get an intermediate notifica
tion for each label decoded.
Partial Results
When multi scan mode is enabled, it selects the behaviour when partial results are pres
The decoding session is ended successfully and all the collected labels are returned
together, only if the
Number of Labels
is reached.
Only on Timeout
The decoding session is ended successfully and all the collected labels are returned
together, only if the decode timeout has elapsed.
Only on Release
The decoding session is ended successfully and all the collected labels are returned
together, only if the trigger is released.
The decoding session is ended successfully and all the collected labels are returned
together if the trigger is released or the decode timeout has elapsed.