Enable Picklist
If enabled, it allows you to pick and decode a barcode from multiple barcodes printed
close together, when the scan illumination intersects more than one barcode. Only the
targeted barcode will be returned.
Enable Illumination
If enabled, it causes the scanner to turn on the illumination to aid decoding.
Enable Aim
Enables the laser aim.
Display Mode (Antireflex)
Optimizes the reading of a barcode from a screen.
Illumination Time
Allows to set the illumination time while the scanner attempts to read.
Scan Mode
Selects the scan operating mode for the reader.
When the trigger is pulled, scanning is activated until one of the following occurs:
• a label has been read
• the trigger is released
• the decode timeout has elapsed.
Hold Multiple
When the trigger is pulled, the device scans barcodes until the trigger is released or the
decode timeout has elapsed.
Pulse Multiple
When the trigger is pulled, continuous scanning is activated until the decode timeout
has elapsed or the trigger has been released and pulled again.
Always On
No trigger pull is required to read a bar code. Scanning is continually on.