External Interfaces Description
DLR-PR001-XX Configuration
The reader can be configured using a standard Linux bash
shell available via serial port.
Reader Configuration Using the Serial Port
By default, a standard bash shell is available via serial
port; to access the reader using this method, you have
first to configure your preferred serial terminal monitor
(Hyperterminal, Tera Term, Putty, etc…) with the following
Baud rate: 115200 b/s
Data bit: 8
Stop bit: 1
Parity: none
Flow control: none
To login, type "root" in the Username text box and
"rooroot" as Password.
(For more details and complete procedure for reader
configuration using the serial port, please see the
Products Reference Guide).
Restore Factory Default Settings
Restoring factory default settings of DLR-PR001-XX is
possible only using the serial port and a USB pen drive.
For complete detailed procedure, see the Products
Reference Guide.