You can also set specific sizes by using and .
Doing so, improves the performance of the end of the counting
process, by setting the pulses’ width exactly according to the
set size.
Set the Track width to one seed wide.
10. Press
to begin counting.
When SEED count JR reaches the preset number of seeds,
the actual number of seeds in the bag (which may be a few
more than the preset number) appears on the display screen.
SEED count JR beeps to indicate that it has finished and the
word “Ended” shows on the display screen.
11. Remove extra seeds from the bag, if necessary.
12. Press to go to the start screen. The display shows the
preset number of seeds and the chosen size, for example:
Press to reset to:
or press again to start a new batch with the same
number of preset seeds and the same seed size.
1.1-1.6 =>
Count Until?