Display User Manual
Page 21
Continued …
Popup a monitor dialog for the selected port. This is a floating dialog, which provides
a means of viewing bytes at the port in HEX, ASCII or a combination of both. This
dialog is only intended for use during initial system tests or for demonstration
purposes. It should not be used for prolonged periods as it slows up the system and
at the moment may sometimes have strange side effects e.g. if you print while this
dialog is open sections of program memory can become corrupt (these problems are
under investigation).
Popup a string input dialog, which you can use to send out a particular sequence of
bytes to the selected port. (You can send binary values as follows: ^A=1, ^B=2 etc)
Rx. timeout:
This is the length of time the software will wait for device responses after polling
/sending on this port. If this value is greater than 2000ms for the GRAFIT application
then the software will popup an information dialog for each frame sent when sending
one or more frames to a Display.
Poll rate:
This is the minimum time between each poll loop on this port. A poll loop is when the
software polls all devices on the system. There are several types of poll and the type
will depend on the state of the particular device. The devices are polled one by one
and then the software waits for any devices that are expected to respond to send
back the appropriate response. The length of time it waits is defined above. The time
between the polling of each device is a minimum of 55ms but this can be increased
in multiples of 55ms by setting the number of wait states between polls. This is
necessary in situations where a device is using Tx. enable to gain control of the
transmission line in an RS485 network.