page title ∙ 41
40 ∙ recipes
In a saucepan, heat your cold brew and 2 oz of milk until steaming (do not boil).
Simultaneously, fill another saucepan with ¼ cup cold milk. While heating the milk, whisk quickly, and
do not let it boil. Once you have enough foam, remove the milk from the heat. Pour the warm coffee and
milk mixture into a mug, top with the foamed milk, and serve.
2 oz cold brew
2 oz cold milk
¼ cup cold milk (for foam)
cold brew cappuccino
Pour the cold brew over ice in a tall glass. Fill the remainder of the glass with mineral
water. Stir and serve.
1 cup cold brew
3 oz sparkling mineral water
crushed ice
sparkling cold brew
Prepare your cold brew and pour into a glass. Stir in the condensed milk until blended.
Add the ice, stir, and serve.
¾ cup cold brew
2 tbsp sweetened condensed milk
vietnamese cold brew