Step 4: Find the needed amount of risers
To find out the needed amount of risers, please
use your AS value, determined by your fitting
data, then minus 40mm (extension bar clamping
height) and MS value, found in step 3, the result
Please do not use a combination of short
bolts [F2] and long screws [E5][E6].
Step 5: Find the arm pad position and arrangement
Step 6: Find the saddle position
Forward position adjustment:
Base on your fitting data, find the AR value and
minus MR, found in step 3. AR - MR = the advised
forward adjustment length. Arm pads [D5] and
[D6] provide 5 forward positions, 15mm spacing
in between each position. Please see the diagram
below for your reference.
There is 100mm of room for you to position the
saddle at a seatpost angle of anywhere between
73 and 80 degrees. Please see the diagram on
the right for your reference.
Left and right adjustment:
The width between basebar riser mounts is
150mm. [D5] and [D6] provide 3 left and right
positions, 20mm spacing in between each
If you need wider arrangement, simply replace
[D7] and [D8] with [D9] and [D10], that gives
you up to 30mm maximum adjustment.
will be your riser height. Base on your riser
height, you can find out the advised amount
of risers and which bolt and screw you need in