DC stop
The motor is held with a DC current
parameter 2-01 DC Brake Current
) for a
specified time (
parameter 2-02 DC Braking
DC brake is activated in
parameter 2-03 DC
Brake Cut In Speed [RPM]
and a stop
command is active.
DC brake (inverse) is selected as a function
for a digital input (
parameter group 5-1*
Digital Inputs
). The corresponding terminal
is not active.
The DC brake is activated via serial
Feedback high
The sum of all active feedbacks is above the
feedback limit set in
parameter 4-57 Warning
Feedback High
Feedback low
The sum of all active feedbacks is below the
feedback limit set in
parameter 4-56 Warning
Feedback Low
Freeze output
The remote reference is active, which holds
the present speed.
[20] Freeze Output
was selected as a
function for a digital input (
group 5-1* Digital Inputs
). The
corresponding terminal is active. Speed
control is only possible via the terminal
functions speed up and speed down.
Hold ramp is activated via serial communi-
Freeze output
A freeze output command has been given, but
the motor remains stopped until a run
permissive signal is received.
Freeze ref.
[19] Freeze Reference
was selected as a
function for a digital input (
parameter group
5-1* Digital Inputs
). The corresponding terminal
is active. The drive saves the actual reference.
Changing the reference is now only possible
via terminal functions speed up and speed
Jog request
A jog command has been given, but the
motor is stopped until a run permissive signal
is received via a digital input.
The motor is running as programmed in
parameter 3-19 Jog Speed [RPM]
[14] Jog
was selected as function for a
digital input (
parameter group 5-1* Digital
). The corresponding terminal (for
example, terminal 29) is active.
The jog function is activated via the serial
The jog function was selected as a reaction
for a monitoring function (for example, No
signal). The monitoring function is active.
Motor check
parameter 1-80 Function at Stop
[2] Motor
was selected. A stop command is active.
To ensure that a motor is connected to the
drive, a permanent test current is applied to
the motor.
OVC control
Overvoltage control was activated in
parameter 2-17 Over-voltage Control
. The connected motor is supplying
the drive with generative energy. The
overvoltage control adjusts the V/Hz ratio to
run the motor in controlled mode and to
prevent the drive from tripping.
Power unit off
(For drives with a 24 V external supply
installed only.) Mains supply to the drive is
removed, but the control card is supplied by
the external 24 V.
Protection md
Protection mode is active. The unit has
detected a critical status (an overcurrent or
To avoid tripping, the switching frequency
is reduced to 1500 kHz if
parameter 14-55 Output Filter
is set to
Sine-Wave Filter Fixed
. Otherwise, the
switching frequency is reduced to 1000 Hz.
If possible, protection mode ends after
approximately 10 s.
Protection mode can be restricted in
parameter 14-26 Trip Delay at Inverter Fault
The motor is decelerating using
parameter 3-81 Quick Stop Ramp Time
[4] Quick stop inverse
was selected as a
function for a digital input (
group 5-1* Digital Inputs
). The
corresponding terminal is not active.
The quick stop function was activated via
serial communication.
The motor is accelerating/decelerating using
the active ramp up/down. The reference, a
limit value, or a standstill is not yet reached.
Ref. high
The sum of all active references is above the
reference limit set in
parameter 4-55 Warning
Reference High
Ref. low
The sum of all active references is below the
reference limit set in
parameter 4-54 Warning
Reference Low
Run on ref.
The drive is running in the reference range.
The feedback value matches the setpoint
Run request
A start command has been given, but the
motor is stopped until a run permissive signal
is received via digital input.
The drive is driving the motor.
Maintenance, Diagnostics, a...
Operating Guide
Danfoss A/S © 01/2017 All rights reserved.