than 1.5 bar [22 psi]. Reference Danfoss testing specifications TS-422 or
Control Neutral Adjustment
3. Turn neutral adjusting screw (or supply current/hydraulic pressure to solenoid C2) until the servo
pressure at port M5 is less than 1.5 bar [22 psi] greater than at port M4.
4. The system pressure differential must be greater than zero and the pressure at port A (B for clockwise
rotation) must be greater than the pressure at port B (A for clockwise rotation). This step ensures the
servo is in contact with the servo cylinder on side M4.
5. Slowly turn in the servo cylinder on the M4 side until the system pressure differential starts to
decrease. The servo pressure differential must be less than 1.5 bar [22 psi] during this step. Continue
turning in the servo cylinder until the system pressure differential is less than 1.5 bar [22 psi]. This
procedure sets the servo and swashplate to mechanical neutral.
Service Manual
Danfoss | April 2019
AX00000244en-000201 | 51