DHP-AX – 10
Auxiliary heat
Auxiliary heater is an option for DHP-AX and consists of an immersion heater, which
is located on the supply pipe ahead of the exchange valve.
The auxiliary heater, which is supplied as an accessory has an integrated power con-
trol and is controlled by a potential free output from the heat pump. In the event of
power cuts longer than three minutes, only a 6 kW output may be connected imme-
diately after power has returned, the remaining output is delayed two hours.
If the auxiliary heater is installed it engages AUTO mode automatically when the
heat demand is greater than the heat pump’s capacity.
In the event of alarms that mean that the compressor does not start, hot water will
not be produced in order to indicate to the customer that something is wrong. Heat
is produced by the auxiliary heater so that the house does not become cold.
Regulation information
Heat production - calculating
The indoor temperature is adjusted by changing the heat pump’s heat curve, which
is the control system’s tool for calculating what the supply temperature should be
for water that is sent out in the heating system. The heat curve calculates the sup-
ply temperature depending on the outdoor temperature. The lower the outdoor
temperature, the higher the supply temperature. In other words, the supply tem-
perature of the water fed to the heating system will increase exponentially as the
outside air temperature falls.
The heat curve will be adjusted in connection with installation. It must be adapted
later on, however, to obtain a pleasant indoor temperature in any weather condi-
tions. A correctly set heat curve reduces maintenance and saves energy.
The control computer shows the value for CURVE by means of a graph in the char-
acter window. You can set the heat curve by adjusting the CURVE value. The CURVE
value indicates the supply temperature of the water to be sent out to the heating
system at an outdoor temperature of 0°C.