Set hot water start temperature and activate hot water
Start by setting the start temperature to 40°C. The start temperature setting is made in the Service Menu. If not already in the Service
Menu, enter the Service Menu by pressing and holding left (<) arrow for at least 5 seconds. Use
to move up and down in the menu.
Setting the hot water start temperature to 40°C in the SERVICE menu:
Press right arrow (
) to enter HOT WATER menu
Press right arrow (
) to activate START sub menu
Press plus (
) to enter START sub menu
Press plus (
) to set the desired temperature. Recommended start temperature is 40°C
Press left arrow several times to exit the Service Menu
Activate hot water production
The following settings are made in the Information Menu. To enter the Information Menu, press left (<) arrow. Use
to move up and
down in the menu.
Activating the hot water production in the INFORMATION menu:
Press minus (
) to get to the HOT WATER entry
Press right arrow (
) to select hot water
Press right arrow (
) to activate hot water sub menu
Press plus (
) to activate the hot water production
will appear to confirm the setting
Press left arrow several times to exit the Information Menu
Activate the electric auxiliary heater in DHP-AQ Midi and DHP-AQ Maxi
If the heat demand is greater than the heat pump’s compressor capacity, the immersion heater engages automatically in operating
mode AUTO. DHP-AQ Midi and DHP-AQ Maxi has three outputs, IMM. HEAT 1, IMM. HEAT 2 and IMM. HEAT 3 and output can be control-
led in five steps.
The two power steps, step 4 and step 5 for DHP-AQ Midi and DHP-AQ Maxi cannot be activated when the compressor is running. Immer-
sion heater step: +4 and +5 can be connected when the compressor is running and must only be selected on the condition that the
building where the heat pump is installed has a large heating demand and the building’s electric installation is suitable for high current
consumption. In the event of an alarm, the immersion heater engages automatically on the condition that operating mode AUTO is
selected and that at least one additional step is permitted.
In DHP-AQ Midi and DHP-AQ Maxi a multi power stage heater (IMM HEATER) is factory installed. The heat pump control system engage
the appropriate amount of heating power to ensure the desired heating system temperature. Below is a table describing the different
power steps.
In power steps 1 – 3, +4 and +5, the compressor and the electric auxiliary heater can be engaged at the same time. In power steps 4 and
5 only the electric auxiliary heater is engaged.
Power steps +4 and +5 can only be engaged for 400V 3-N electric auxiliary heater
Danfoss Heating Solutions