The M2M Bridge establishes a connection that transmits CAN messages between CS10 devices using an
existing WiFi-connection between them. The two devices can be connected peer to peer where one
device is configured as an Access point, and the other one is configured to station mode (DHCP must be
disabled). Alternatively, both can be configured to station mode to connect to a router, in this case DHCP
needs to be enabled.
For a successful M2M configuration one device needs to be configured as a master, the other one as a
slave using the field Role.
For the slave only the Local Password must be applied which needs to match the Remote Password of
the master device. Due to its multipurpose meaning the local password can be found on the Overview
For the master device the following settings must be applied. The operation mode can be set in the field
Remote EID mode. In auto-mode a connection to the first accessible Interlink-device to be found is
established while in manual mode a connection to the device with the Interlink EID to be set in the field
Remote EID is established. To connect to a device the remote password must be applied in the field
Remote Password where it must match the local password of the slave device. If the option Autoenable
is set, the M2M unit is automatically enabled when the device is powered. The set of messages to be
transferred to and from the connected device is defined in the sections Remote/Local filter
configuration . In the dropdown list above there are three options available where “Pass all messages”
let’s all messages pass through while “Block all messages” let’s no message pass through. The option
“Define messages” offers the opportunity to explicitly select up to 10 messages to be transmitted. If the
set of Filter/Mask is set to 0 for both all messages will pass the bridge. If the set of Filter/Mask is set to
0x80000000 for both the message is blocked. In the Output filter configuration section all outgoing
messages are defined, while in the Input filter configuration section all incoming messages are defined.
All these settings get applied to the device when pressing the button Save.
Technical Information
PLUS+1® CS10 Wireless Gateway
14 |
Danfoss | November 2020