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Operation guide
Installation, Operation and Maintenance APP 53-92 pumps
Make sure the system is not pressuized!
Slowly unscrew and remove the bolts and
gaskets from the inlet/outlet hoses or
pipes, be careful about jets of water.
Beware that the system can be pressurized!
Attach the lifting equipment to the pump
unit. For instructions on lifting the com-
plete pump unit, see chapter 4, Arrival
inspection, transportation, handling, lifting
and storage.
For the small pumps, unscrew the bolts
holding the pump to the bell housing. For
the bigger pumps, unscrew the bolts/nuts
from the pump and bell housing to the
motor. Afterwards unscrew the bolts/nuts
holding the pump and bell housing.
Carefully pull the pump out of the bell
housing by using lifting equipment, if
Hold the pump in different positions above
a drip tray; this should allow most of the
water trapped in the pump to drain. Clean
and dry the pump surface and plug the
bleeding and draining plugs.
Move the pump to a clean and safe location
where the pump can be inspected/
7.4 Disassembling and assembling the
pump unit
Remove all connections from the pump.
Disassemble the pump according to the
Disassembling and Assembling Instruction
(available at hpp.danfoss.com)
Clean all parts and surfaces with a fluid
compatible with the materials found in the
pump. Wipe the parts clean and dry with a
lint-free clothing.
Inspect all parts including shaft seal and if
necessary, replace them; see appendix 5,
Parts list.
If the pump is going to be returned to
Danfoss for repair or a warranty claim, it is
important to contact Danfoss in order to
receive a return number and a form to fill
out with product information. A copy of the
form together with contact information
and reason for returning should be sent to
the email address on the form. The same
documents should be attached to the
Returns without a return number will be
rejected !!!
7.5 Assembling the pump unit
Assemble the pump according to the Dis-
assembling and Assembling Instruction
(available at hpp.danfoss.com).
7.6 Procedure for mounting the pump onto
the electric motor
Mount the flexible coupling and bell housing
according to appendix 2, Instruction.
7.7 Getting the pump unit back into
Find instructions of how to put the pump unit
back into operation in chapter 4, Arrival inspec-
tion, transportation, handling, lifting and storage
and Installation and commissioning, chapter 5.
7.8 Storage of the pump
If the pump has to be shut down for a longer
period, instructions can be found in appendix 2,