ab Firmware-Version 3.12
Locomotive decoder PD10MU
from firmware version 3.12
6.3 Operation
Put the locomotive on the programming track and readout the locomotive address (CV01). The default value should
be 3. Program the desired locomotive address and start runnig the locomotive keeping these setting values. After the first
check you can vary the parameters of the engine freely according to your requirements.
In case your programming device indicates “Error“, please check again the correct wiring of the locomotive and pay
attention to the wiring instructions for connecting the programming track.
Never put such a locomotive into operation!
Operation with asymmetry in the brake section is not possible with the factory settings.
In case you want this opition, CV27 / bit 0 and/or bit 1 must be set to “1“.
Brake section operation in direct current operating mode is not possible with the factory settings.
In case you want this option, CV27 / bit 4 and/or bit 5 must be set to “1“.