1. Position the shelves in the oven. If cooking on
two shelves at the same time, stagger the pans
for the best heat circulation.
2. Close the oven door. Turn the function selector
knob to bake. Turn oven temperature knob to the
desired temperature.
3. Allow the oven to preheat if required.
4. Place the food on the center of the oven shelf.
Allow at least 2 inches between the end of the
pan and the oven wall or any adjacent pans.
5. Check the food regularly. Remove once done
and ensure the oven is turned off.
• Follow a tested recipe and measure the
ingredients carefully. If you are using a package
mix, follow label directions.
• Do not open the oven door while baking or
roasting. Heat will be lost and the cook time
might need to be extended. If you must open the
door, open it partially and close it as quickly as
• Roasting is cooking by dry heat. Tender meat
or poultry can be roasted uncovered. Roasting
temperatures, which should be low and steady,
keep spattering to a minimum. When roasting,
it is not necessary to sear, baste, cover, or add
water to the meat.
• Frozen roasts of meat can be cooked without
thawing, but allow 10 to 25 minutes of
additional time per pound of meat (10 minutes
per pound for roasts under 5 pounds, more time
for larger roasts).
• Thaw frozen poultry before roasting to ensure
even cooking. Some commercial frozen poultry
can be cooked successfully without thawing.
Follow directions given on package label.