Piranha2 User’s Manual
3.2 Command Format
• A carriage return (CR) ends each command.
• Values in square brackets are optional.
• There are two methods for entering the commands: In long form each command is
written in its entirety. In short form, only a predefined abbreviation is required. The
manual uses the short form.
• The camera will answer each command with either "OK >" or "Error x: Error Message
>". The ">" is always the last character sent by the camera.
• The following parameters are used in the manual:
= integer
= float
= string
= tap
x1, x2
= pixel start and stop values
3.3 Processing Chain
The figure below is a simplified block diagram of the camera's processing chain. The
analog processing chain contains two elements–a gain stage and an offset stage. The
digital processing chain contains the FPN correction, PRNU correction, background
subtract, and a system gain stage. The software commands allow you to set and change
all the elements of the processing chain. This enables maximum processing flexibility
depending on your requirements.
Digital Processing
In addition, the two elements of the analog processing chain, analog gain and analog
offset, can be adjusted to separate values in the calibrated and uncalibrated modes. For
example, the analog gain value can be set to –5db in calibrated mode and 6dB in
uncalibrated mode. When switching between calibrated and uncalibrated modes, the
camera automatically uses the corresponding value.