1M28, 1M75, and 1M150 User’s Manual
Sensor Handling
Sensor Handling
Sensor Handling
Sensor Handling
5.1 Protecting Against Dust, Oil and Scratches
The sensor window is part of the optical path and should be handled like other optical components,
with extreme care.
Dust can obscure pixels, producing dark patches on the sensor response. Dust is most visible when
the illumination is collimated. The dark patches shift position as the angle of illumination changes.
Dust is normally not visible when the sensor is positioned at the exit port of an integrating sphere,
where the illumination is diffuse.
Dust can normally be removed by blowing the window surface using a compressed air blower,
unless the dust particles are being held by an electrostatic charge, in which case either an ionized
air blower or wet cleaning is necessary.
Oil is usually introduced during handling. Touching the surface of the window barehanded will
leave oily residues. Using rubber fingercots and rubber gloves can prevent oil contamination.
However, the friction between the rubber and the window may produce electrostatic charge that
may damage the sensor. To avoid ESD damage and to avoid introducing oily residues, only hold
the sensor from the edges of the ceramic package and avoid touching the sensor pins and the
Improper handling, cleaning, or storage of the sensor can cause scratches. Vacuum picking tools
should not come in contact with the window surface. Imaging sensors should not be stored in
containers where they are not properly secured and can slide against the container.
Scratches diffract incident illumination. When exposed to uniform illumination, a sensor with a
scratched window will normally have brighter pixels adjacent to darker pixels. The location of
these pixels changes with the angle of illumination.
5.2 Cleaning the Sensor Window
Use compressed air to blow off loose particles. This step alone is usually sufficient to clean the
sensor window.