Time Period:
Setup max two period for one day recording at most
Once, Daily, Weekly, Monthly
System default recording period setup is for Once. Recording for Daily,
Weekly or Monthly can also be selected. Take 2008-10-20( Monday) for example, select “Once” means only
recording during the set periods in 2008-10-20, select “Daily” means recording during the set periods
everyday from 2008-10-20, select “Weekly” means recording during the set periods every Monday from
2008-10-20 and select “Monthly” means recording during the set periods at the 20
of every month from
NOTE: Reset at the same day is available. The later mode will replace the former one. The function
can be applied to holiday setting.
Press ‘Apply’ to save setting temporarily, if need to set multiple recording periods. For example: set
recording periods in 2008-10-20 and press ‘Apply’, then other recording period could be set in the same
menu without exit. Press ‘OK’ to save all setting permanently.
NOTE: Only press ‘OK’ to save all setting permanently without lost when power is blackout. Press
‘Apply’ to save temporarily, all setting will lost when power is off.
In the course of setting up the parameters, if the parameters needed to be set the same in all channels, you can
select ‘
’ after finishing the setup of parameters of one channel. The system will prompt a dialog box.
When pressing ‘
’, parameters setup for all channels will be achieved.
Press ‘List’ to list schedule recording time table(Max.120 records) of current channel, records delete
operation is available as shown in Fig. 38
Fig. 38