Appendix A: Reference Drawings
Appendix A: Reference Drawings
Appendix A contains drawings that are not project specific. Refer to the Project Installation
Packet for project-specific drawings. Any project specific drawings take precedence over the
drawings listed in Appendix A. The Daktronics drawing number is located in the bottom right
corner of the drawings. Refer to Section 1.1 for information regarding how to read the drawing
number. The drawings in Appendix are listed in alpha-numeric order.
Block Diagram; AC interconnections, 1-PH ........................................................
Drawing B-259073
Layout, Border Shroud, 128×464-23, Billboard ..................................................
Drawing B-265098
Layout, Border Shroud, 176×624-23, Billboard ..................................................
Drawing B-265458
Assembly, 5 TON AC with Frame/Mounting; Billboard .......................................
Drawing B-265940
Layout, Border Shroud, 160×336-20, Billboard ..................................................
Drawing B-269981