Personal Security Communicator User Manual
SOS number
Press PHONE 1 empty field and insert the number using the
number keys. Press “Set” to launch a text command. Personal
Security Communicator will respond to confirm change.
When pressing “Get”, a history of all the stored SOS
numbers will appear.
1. You can add up to 8 SOS numbers (PHONE 1-8).
2. The SOS numbers will dial in 3x loop - each number will
be rung 3 times, if no answer it will then proceed to try the
next number.
3. The receiver will hear a voice announcement to “Press 5 to
confirm” the SOS call. If “5” is not confirmed, the device will
disconnect after 30 seconds and will dial the number again
(up to 3 times) before proceeding to try the next contact.
This applies to voicemail messages.
4. Once the receiver confirms by pressing “5”, the 2-way voice
call will be opened immediately by the device.
5. Once an SOS call is triggered, all selected contacts will
receive the “SOS message” via text message, along with the
GPS location.
6. To make an SOS call on the device, simply press the SOS
button once. You will hear the SOS tone and SOS dialling
tone will begin, and the Green LED will illuminate. It can take
up to 4 seconds for the device to wake and reconnect with
the network.
7. To cancel an SOS call, press and hold the SOS button for 3
seconds. You will hear the cancellation tone, the dial tone
will stop, and the Green LED will turn off.
These instructions on page 8-14 only apply to customers who have chosen self-monitoring.